St. John’s Primary Academy believes that wearing a uniform is an important part of school life. It gives the pupils a sense of belonging and pride for their school. Items can be worn with or without the school logo.
Grey/Black skirt/pinafore
Grey/Black trousers / shorts
White blouse or shirt /white or red polo shirt
Plain red jumper or cardigan /red sweatshirt with or without the school logo Summer dress (red and white gingham)
Shoes should be black/brown for all pupils. Plain, black trainers can be worn.
INDOOR PE OUTDOOR PE Plain red or black shorts Plain black jogging bottoms Plain white t-shirt Plain black sweatshirt jumper Black pumps Trainers
Please make sure all items of uniform are clearly named. Jewellery, other than watches, is not encouraged in school. Only studs are to be worn in pierced ears. For safety reasons, earrings must be removed for PE - please note members of staff are not permitted to remove them and plasters to cover earrings are not permitted.
We have 2 suppliers providing our school uniform:
- Crested School Wear – there is a store in the town centre: 35-36 Gaolgate Street, Stafford, ST16 2NT (Tel. 01785 748481). Alternatively, you can order online at www.crestedschoolwear.co.uk. When purchasing from the website:
- Select SHOP tab from the top of the main page
- Select schools S-U
- Click on School Logo, where you will find all products relating to the school.
- Brigade Clothing - has an online ordering system. The website address is www.brigade.uk.com – please ensure you select the correct school. Our school is listed as St Johns C E Primary (ST16 3RZ).